Personal Trainer for Polo

Diets Dont Work

Improve your fitness and your game

One-on-one Personal Training – our get fit for polo programme – can help you raise your handicap, play with more accuracy and power, be stable and safe on your horse, increase your endurance, stay injury-free and enjoy the game more. Polo is an extremely physical game, relying on a complex and demanding chain of muscular movements for you to play to your highest level. It also requires good endurance, plus anaerobic power and toughness to fight off challenges. Agility and reaction speed are also essential components if you fancy yourself as a future Cambiaso. “Fit for Polo” Personal Training gives you the best possible chance of achieving and enjoying a great all-around game.

Many polo players start their training when they play their first match of the season, but in a sport this challenging, some targeted training both before and during the season will make a huge difference to your game and help keep you safe and injury free. As a high risk sport pre season personal training for polo can really make the difference between staying safe and injury free (especially for those over 40) or having your fun stopped by a sidelining injury. 

We have nearly 20 years of fitness experience and have delivered tens of thousands of personal training sessions making clients fitter, stronger and happier about themselves. Join them on their successful journey. 


Sport-specific training

Along with improving your overall fitness and health Diets Don’t Work Fit for Polo training targets the following key areas to improve your game and keep you on your horse:


  • Cardiovascular fitness
  • Anaerobic fitness for explosive power
  • Sling Systems for rotational power in the torso
  • Arms and shoulders
  • Grip strength and forearms
  • Dynamic pelvic stability
  • Leg strength focused on adductors, gluteal engagement and quads
  • Lower leg strength for stirrup control and on horse stability
  • Core stability and strength
fit for polo personal training Berkshire

Highly qualified sports-specific trainers

Your Fit for Polo Personal Trainer has nationally recognised qualifications, usually the highly regarded Premier NASCM and/or CIMSPA membership, and comes to your home or training ground bringing all necessary equipment with them. Having trained members of the Morrison family, we also have access to the prestigious Royal Berkshire Polo Club and its facilities. We use stability balls, TRX suspension training, FitMag resistance bands, free weights, traditional bodyweight exercises, medicine ball training, boxercise and shuttle intervals to get you fit and agile.

All round approach included – eating, lifestyle, exercise

Blocks of six or more sessions include nutritional assessment and counselling, ensuring you are eating properly for optimal health, fitness and energy. Your pony will be much quicker if it’s carrying a few fewer pounds!

To find out more about what to expect during training sessions, what sort of equipment we will be using, or have any other questions, have a look at our FAQ section at the bottom of the home page. Alternatively, call or email us and we’ll be happy to answer any questions that you may have.

What now? Book a first consultation – free

Take the first step and book a consultation. It’s free, and it’s a chance to meet your prospective trainer. In the consultation, we will go through a lifestyle assessment, health screening, goal setting and look at where you are now and how you got there. Together we can then set out where you would like to be and how soon you would like to get there.

Call us on 07830 148300 or complete our contact form.

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Diets Don’t Work Personal Training and Nutrition